The Peaceable Kingdom: Interspecies Friendship
About ten years ago—thanks to the viral nature of a good story on the Internet the world learned that animal friendships are not restricted to members of the sa...
About ten years ago—thanks to the viral nature of a good story on the Internet the world learned that animal friendships are not restricted to members of the sa...
Can crows read signs? Wild crows were stealing insulation—to use in their nests—from a construction site on the campus of the International Coastal Research Cen...
According to a study published in New Scientist, wild keas—a type of large parrot—can “catch” a laugh. Just like humans, they experience contagious ...
We might not be able to hear them without the use of sophisticated technology, but humpback whales are loud. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to this rec...
What happens when captive talking birds, such as parrots and cockatoos, escape and return to the wild? They start teaching their new wild bird buddies some of t...
Interspecies friendship raises intriguing questions about animal communication, such as how do different species learn to read one another’s signals and become ...